shabby peonies

Friday, February 17, 2012

Gazing at glazing

It's that time again: the napping/painting hour! I was patiently waiting to get to this part and decided to treat myself and paint IN the house today. No more kneeling on cold garage concrete. 

One last "before" picture. Don't you love the Valentine Snoopy in the background? 

I will admit, even after re-watching glazing how-to videos from this gal, I was a little worried about just slapping the glazing on this night stand. What if it didn't come out right? What if it looks better all nice and clean? What if I bought the WRONG GLAZING?

Well.... not the wrong glazing. But definitely harder to leave the glazing in the right nooks and crannies than I had anticipated. Maybe a sponge would have worked better than a rag?

The drawer isn't all the way in... the paint all feels dry but I don't want to risk it sticking and leaving weird marks. Patience is a virtue and I'm determined to practice till it comes naturally. haha
So? What do you think? Thinking about painting the old hardware but it might look just fine the way it is.